REMA 1000
Went to the local pub last Friday with Jacob this time and enjoyed the Royal Classic and Royal Pilsner. I miss the feel of a pint glass, with its wee curved bit at the top. Though it holds roughly the same amount of beer than a bottle. Then I discovered that they do the Classic in a stein, i.e. a litre, but not according to Was most good. Didn't feel it until I was going to bed (at the very late time of 10pm!) and the room was slightly spinning.
The people in the bar seem to have accepted us as we don't get so many looks now. I think the barmaid knows us know as she recognised the international sign for "one litre of beer please". A song I was enjoying was interrupted by a middle aged man who decided to turn on the TV and watch some Danish quiz show that involved the contestants singing too. It was received warmly by the others in the pub as they sang along too. Not sure if the songs were "Danish pop" or folk songs.
I also discovered that there is a self tap service, i.e. you can pour your own draught beer. There are four taps arranged on a round wooden vertical beam, in the middle of a round table with seats round the table. It even has a meter to record how much beer has been extracted, much like a self service petrol pump. Mainly impressed by the novelty factor, much like the tills at Tesco where you scan your own shopping.
On Saturday, we were supposed to go to Silkeborg (about 30km south of Bjerringbro) for a tour by one of Jacob's friends who lives there. However, being a Saturday we had a "long lie" (9am!) plus being lazy meant we missed the bus which leaves every two hours. As we were going to Herning for a BBQ at Jacbob's house, we had to leave that town for another time. So to get to Herning (about 50km south east of here), we had to get a train to Viborg then spend about an hour on a bus. And it took the senic route which was really nice, especially at it was a hot, blue skied day.
The BBQ: beer, meat, chips, beer, beer, vodka, a cabano cigar, beer and then a pizza. All good stuff. Highlights included visiting Rema 1000 (a supermarket - who knows why it has 1000 in its name), remolaude (a sauce thing for chips), GRILL FEST, the 36 bottles of the Classic (though shared between 2-3 of us), the white sauce on the pizza for preventive hangover measures, before going back to Jacobs.
There were two Scottish pubs in Herning: Murphys and The Fox and the Hound (the one we visited). Granted they had several soltaires, a fair range of whiskeys but no Tennents and no Drambuie, so in my book, not very Scottish. They also had a red telephone box, which is more of a London thing.
Next, was "Crazy Daisys", which was neither crazy nor did I find Daisy. Free pints though.
Found out that I will be taxed 40%!!!!! ...... T E A R S ! ! ! ! And I had plans for an shiny MP3 player. :'( If we had been staying an extra month (six) we would of got a fair amount back, but unfortunately I have go back to uni in January. The tax man we spoke to at the town hall said that this new legislation had been introduced just before the Euro expansion to "keep out people from Poland picking strawberries, for example" - not my words. It's not targetting at us, i.e. students on placement, but it's to get money from seasonal labour from eastern European countries. I understand why I have to get taxed - as that they can't discriminate, but 40% still is painful. At least I don't have to pay 2% church tax!!
My tax woes went unsympathised from other Danes as they are used to it. The shock is going from non-tax paying student in Scotland to 40%. The reason why people pay so much tax (compared to home - the other Nordic countries pay more, i think) is that Denmark is a social welfare state, so they pay nothing or little for things like health care. The bin man even comes round the back of our house to collect the bins! I was thinking of going to the dentist before I left to "get my moneys worth". :)
As the tax is so high here (compared to at home), i have found my moral compass un-skewed when I "steal" fruit from the canteen or "take" cake that is unguarded, because I rebute with "I pay 40% tax".
Now I have accepted the tax and have started to pay for the fruit.
The weather has taken a turn for the worse and has been raining so much... feels like home now :)
We are going to an olympic games thing being held by the electronics factory at 4pm so I hope the weather holds out. There will be beer too. Hopefully the Classic. We got invited by a Danish guy called Palle whom we met at the local pub two weeks ago.
Other plans for the weekend may include visting the other big town near here - Randers - and trying to get to grips with all the different modulation schemes for work. FUN TIMEZ.
I think that's all, have some photos to put up but the site won't upload them at the moment. Will get that fixed soon.
Righto, bye,
// Mond
The people in the bar seem to have accepted us as we don't get so many looks now. I think the barmaid knows us know as she recognised the international sign for "one litre of beer please". A song I was enjoying was interrupted by a middle aged man who decided to turn on the TV and watch some Danish quiz show that involved the contestants singing too. It was received warmly by the others in the pub as they sang along too. Not sure if the songs were "Danish pop" or folk songs.
I also discovered that there is a self tap service, i.e. you can pour your own draught beer. There are four taps arranged on a round wooden vertical beam, in the middle of a round table with seats round the table. It even has a meter to record how much beer has been extracted, much like a self service petrol pump. Mainly impressed by the novelty factor, much like the tills at Tesco where you scan your own shopping.
On Saturday, we were supposed to go to Silkeborg (about 30km south of Bjerringbro) for a tour by one of Jacob's friends who lives there. However, being a Saturday we had a "long lie" (9am!) plus being lazy meant we missed the bus which leaves every two hours. As we were going to Herning for a BBQ at Jacbob's house, we had to leave that town for another time. So to get to Herning (about 50km south east of here), we had to get a train to Viborg then spend about an hour on a bus. And it took the senic route which was really nice, especially at it was a hot, blue skied day.
The BBQ: beer, meat, chips, beer, beer, vodka, a cabano cigar, beer and then a pizza. All good stuff. Highlights included visiting Rema 1000 (a supermarket - who knows why it has 1000 in its name), remolaude (a sauce thing for chips), GRILL FEST, the 36 bottles of the Classic (though shared between 2-3 of us), the white sauce on the pizza for preventive hangover measures, before going back to Jacobs.
There were two Scottish pubs in Herning: Murphys and The Fox and the Hound (the one we visited). Granted they had several soltaires, a fair range of whiskeys but no Tennents and no Drambuie, so in my book, not very Scottish. They also had a red telephone box, which is more of a London thing.
Next, was "Crazy Daisys", which was neither crazy nor did I find Daisy. Free pints though.
Found out that I will be taxed 40%!!!!! ...... T E A R S ! ! ! ! And I had plans for an shiny MP3 player. :'( If we had been staying an extra month (six) we would of got a fair amount back, but unfortunately I have go back to uni in January. The tax man we spoke to at the town hall said that this new legislation had been introduced just before the Euro expansion to "keep out people from Poland picking strawberries, for example" - not my words. It's not targetting at us, i.e. students on placement, but it's to get money from seasonal labour from eastern European countries. I understand why I have to get taxed - as that they can't discriminate, but 40% still is painful. At least I don't have to pay 2% church tax!!
My tax woes went unsympathised from other Danes as they are used to it. The shock is going from non-tax paying student in Scotland to 40%. The reason why people pay so much tax (compared to home - the other Nordic countries pay more, i think) is that Denmark is a social welfare state, so they pay nothing or little for things like health care. The bin man even comes round the back of our house to collect the bins! I was thinking of going to the dentist before I left to "get my moneys worth". :)
As the tax is so high here (compared to at home), i have found my moral compass un-skewed when I "steal" fruit from the canteen or "take" cake that is unguarded, because I rebute with "I pay 40% tax".
Now I have accepted the tax and have started to pay for the fruit.
The weather has taken a turn for the worse and has been raining so much... feels like home now :)
We are going to an olympic games thing being held by the electronics factory at 4pm so I hope the weather holds out. There will be beer too. Hopefully the Classic. We got invited by a Danish guy called Palle whom we met at the local pub two weeks ago.
Other plans for the weekend may include visting the other big town near here - Randers - and trying to get to grips with all the different modulation schemes for work. FUN TIMEZ.
I think that's all, have some photos to put up but the site won't upload them at the moment. Will get that fixed soon.
Righto, bye,
// Mond
soltaires?? that game with the marbles or do you mean SALTIRES??
Silly mond dense-mark
joe, at 8:45 pm
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