"Real girls don't turn me on anymore"
How much porn is too much?
The quote in the title is from a CSI Miami episode in which a porn star is killed by a fan who watches too much porn and blames her for making him a floppy chappie when it comes to his girlfriend.
Fortunately, H saves the day, the end.
So, what other things can we have too much of?
In another example of Grundfos coolness (see free ice cream give away below) I was invited to a free cake gathering in the workshop, a minute away from where I sit. As Grundfos had won a design award for one of their pumps they had a wee cake celebration. I think anyone in the building could of went but you have to know someone to know when it was going down. The Cake: Othello cake. It's really good. Tried to find a picture of it but no luck . Click on the first picture of the guy coming out of the cake. Rather disturbing.
Later on that day, I went up stairs to see Andy and low and behold MORE CAKE! This time the reason was that the people on that floor had all recently moved there. I had half of a 12cm in diameter orange/choco/nut cake. Lovin' it.
That's when The Cake Fatigue started to set in, but I did it for Grundfos and finished the second piece.
There was some other delicious looking cake at another desk but there were two people sitting in front of it, i.e. guarding it all. I came up with a plan of waiting until both of them left then snatch some but the two guards obviously had the same idea. No doubt they were waiting on the other one leaving so they could take it home with them. It must have taken a long time for one of them to buckle as they were still there when I left for the day.
I planned to go into work the next day (Saturday) to do work as I said to my supervisor I would have a prototype working by Monday and it wasn't by the end of Friday. So I hoped that when I went into work on Saturday all the cake would have still been there. A long shot considering the two guards and cleaners. So, to reinforce my cake obsession, I had a dream that Friday night about going into work on Saturday and finding all the cake still there and munching it all.
Back to the real world...when I went in that day there was NOTHING :'(
Let's see, five paragraphs about cake, not bad. Is that too much??
So, it has been a long time since my last post. The sole reason is that I have been ULTRA busy. So busy in fact, that I have not been able to get around to emailing people and go on msn messenger for a bit o' chat. I'm tired and it's dark outside when I finish after a 8-12 hour day.
Here are some of the things - I can remember - that happened to me since last time:
The four of us (Andy, Tobi, Morton and I) went to Århus one Saturday and ended up in another Irish pub to watch some football with PINTS of beer. Mainly Guinness. The original plans were to go home, eat and then go out for some party action in Viborg. Instead we phoned a Danish friend from work, Lars, as he lived near the city to see if he could take us somewhere nice here instead. He invited us to his flat, which was apparently only 10 mins from where we were but ended up been a > 30 min walk, at which point we were close to turning around. He lives with his girlfriend, Marie, in a cosy (quite small - 1 bedroom) house that has been split up for rent. He set us to work on 60 cans of beer, which between the four of us, disappeared by 2-3am'ish. Can't remember how we managed it though. We were invited to a birthday party next door and we were there until 4-5am or so. It was an all lady party when we got there. Ten or so, aged 25-29. (Y) Found out two of them had been to Scotland for a while. We originally thought one of them said she worked in Coatbridge but later found out it was actually a similar sounding place (when spoken in Danish!) near Inverness. Another was in Edinburgh working in a bar I think. During our time there we played a strange drinking game that involved two teams (one of which was Team Scotland which included honouree DK lady members) 3 meters apart, facing each other with a bucket in the middle. The object of the game was to knock it over with a stick and drink, the winners are the ones who finish their drinks first. We won due to Andy's expert throwing skills and me having illegal swigs.
Later on I remember pushing around the garden two ladies in a wheelbarrow, but dropping them onto each other when trying to turn round a tree. If that wasn't fun enough, I pushed Lars down the street in the wheelbarrow for about half a mile or so. Oh yeah.
We were a bit disappointed when Lars didn't invite us to crash at his place so we had to pay £60 for a taxi home. Not too bad as there was four of us.
The next weekend Andy and I had two bottles of red wine (from the basket of goodies I got for falling off my bike) and some beer before heading to C'borg (Christiansborg - the local in tha Bjerringbro) where we met some DK ladies who, surprise surprise, worked at Grundfos too. SMALL WORLD EH. Beer was drank and stories were exchanged. It's nice to meet some new people. Plus there was a lady who was rather infatuate with Andy. Bonus.
While stumbling home about 5am, I vaguely remember us shouting "Welcome to the jungle" (Pistols and Daffodils) and a "Saruman" from me. Maybe we should of done so in our Danish accents as not to make it obvious who it was. :(
I also put stones on Tobi's Maw's car roof. Not sure why, but it seemed funny at the time. Only when I woke to the sound of Tobi, his Mum and his sister leaving the house to get into the car did I remember, and realised I'm a dick. I appologised later though so it's ok.
The next weekend was Hallowe'en so the four of us dawned C'borg again. I was dressed as a "Grundfos employee who forgot his badge" and Andy was Sean Connery via his impressions. Which I think are rather good. We had a round of "Bloodsucker" cocktail things but they were a bit mank as the main ingredient was Pernod. Met some other people but didn't get so wasted so not as much fun. Yes, you have to be wasted to have a good time in C'borg. Then you don't realise the DJ playing the same song for the fourth time that night. Week after bloody week.
The next day we managed to go to the Viborg - OB football game in Viborg. They won 1 - nil and played quite well, but took the foot off the pedal a few times and had to defend well. The main attraction is the Viborg team mascot: Willie the Crocodile (and the cheerleaders). He is such a crazy croc! Imitating the cheer leaders and the players when they are warming up. At half time this game, the cheer leaders made a circle around the centre and did a wee cheer dance. However, there was a WTF moment between Andy and I when over the words "Yippe-ka-yah mother fuckers!" blasted over the speakers. These were the lyrics to the techno song the cheerleaders were cheering too. The phrase was repeated at least four times. This is very strange indeed considering there were lots of children present.
That reminds me of another story I was told about a wolf mascot of another team who is a bit crazy and decided to beat the crap out of Willie at an away game. Strangely Willie didn't respond and took several punches to the head. When Willie was lying on the ground he took off his croc head to reveal... a 12 year old boy! Go wolf man!! As compensation the team invited the boy and his family to a all expenses paid full-VIP treatment at the next game.
Anyway, I think that brings us to the weekend just there. To "have a good time" in C'borg we went to the super market (Super Best) and purchased 4 bottles of wine and some beer. Andy and I drank two bottles on Friday night while watching Star Wars, A New Hope on sexy digital remastered DVD. Sadly, I declined going as I could barely keep my eyes open.
The following day Tobi, Andy and I went to Århus again as Andy wanted to check the bus times to the Airport (he left last night for a long weekend) but was really an excuse to get out of Bjerringbro. Tobi was looking for a suit so we followed him about for a while before heading off to that Irish pub again.
In Denmark, there it is a yearly tradition of the breweries releasing Xmas beer (Jule øl) which are rather tasty. So far I have tasted Carlsburg Jule (3 stars), Tuborg Jule (4 stars), the white labeled Royal Xmas which is sweet (3 stars but I think only with food) and my favourite: the blue labeled Royal Xmas (5 stars).
Later on Andy and I had another two bottles of wine and some beer before heading to C'borg. When we arrived about half past midnight there was "approx." 5 people there. WHIT. There was a roughly equal bar staff-to-customer ratio. Weird. We left immediately to check out Next Door (a club) but it looked as equally empty. Back to C'borg then for some stor (large) glasses of jule øl. There may have been more "Welcome to the jungle" too :(
Well if you have managed to read this far: 1. you have too much time on your hands and 2. thank you!
As a treat you get the following:
Med venlig hilsen,
The quote in the title is from a CSI Miami episode in which a porn star is killed by a fan who watches too much porn and blames her for making him a floppy chappie when it comes to his girlfriend.
Fortunately, H saves the day, the end.
So, what other things can we have too much of?
In another example of Grundfos coolness (see free ice cream give away below) I was invited to a free cake gathering in the workshop, a minute away from where I sit. As Grundfos had won a design award for one of their pumps they had a wee cake celebration. I think anyone in the building could of went but you have to know someone to know when it was going down. The Cake: Othello cake. It's really good. Tried to find a picture of it but no luck . Click on the first picture of the guy coming out of the cake. Rather disturbing.
Later on that day, I went up stairs to see Andy and low and behold MORE CAKE! This time the reason was that the people on that floor had all recently moved there. I had half of a 12cm in diameter orange/choco/nut cake. Lovin' it.
That's when The Cake Fatigue started to set in, but I did it for Grundfos and finished the second piece.
There was some other delicious looking cake at another desk but there were two people sitting in front of it, i.e. guarding it all. I came up with a plan of waiting until both of them left then snatch some but the two guards obviously had the same idea. No doubt they were waiting on the other one leaving so they could take it home with them. It must have taken a long time for one of them to buckle as they were still there when I left for the day.
I planned to go into work the next day (Saturday) to do work as I said to my supervisor I would have a prototype working by Monday and it wasn't by the end of Friday. So I hoped that when I went into work on Saturday all the cake would have still been there. A long shot considering the two guards and cleaners. So, to reinforce my cake obsession, I had a dream that Friday night about going into work on Saturday and finding all the cake still there and munching it all.
Back to the real world...when I went in that day there was NOTHING :'(
Let's see, five paragraphs about cake, not bad. Is that too much??
So, it has been a long time since my last post. The sole reason is that I have been ULTRA busy. So busy in fact, that I have not been able to get around to emailing people and go on msn messenger for a bit o' chat. I'm tired and it's dark outside when I finish after a 8-12 hour day.
Here are some of the things - I can remember - that happened to me since last time:
The four of us (Andy, Tobi, Morton and I) went to Århus one Saturday and ended up in another Irish pub to watch some football with PINTS of beer. Mainly Guinness. The original plans were to go home, eat and then go out for some party action in Viborg. Instead we phoned a Danish friend from work, Lars, as he lived near the city to see if he could take us somewhere nice here instead. He invited us to his flat, which was apparently only 10 mins from where we were but ended up been a > 30 min walk, at which point we were close to turning around. He lives with his girlfriend, Marie, in a cosy (quite small - 1 bedroom) house that has been split up for rent. He set us to work on 60 cans of beer, which between the four of us, disappeared by 2-3am'ish. Can't remember how we managed it though. We were invited to a birthday party next door and we were there until 4-5am or so. It was an all lady party when we got there. Ten or so, aged 25-29. (Y) Found out two of them had been to Scotland for a while. We originally thought one of them said she worked in Coatbridge but later found out it was actually a similar sounding place (when spoken in Danish!) near Inverness. Another was in Edinburgh working in a bar I think. During our time there we played a strange drinking game that involved two teams (one of which was Team Scotland which included honouree DK lady members) 3 meters apart, facing each other with a bucket in the middle. The object of the game was to knock it over with a stick and drink, the winners are the ones who finish their drinks first. We won due to Andy's expert throwing skills and me having illegal swigs.
Later on I remember pushing around the garden two ladies in a wheelbarrow, but dropping them onto each other when trying to turn round a tree. If that wasn't fun enough, I pushed Lars down the street in the wheelbarrow for about half a mile or so. Oh yeah.
We were a bit disappointed when Lars didn't invite us to crash at his place so we had to pay £60 for a taxi home. Not too bad as there was four of us.
The next weekend Andy and I had two bottles of red wine (from the basket of goodies I got for falling off my bike) and some beer before heading to C'borg (Christiansborg - the local in tha Bjerringbro) where we met some DK ladies who, surprise surprise, worked at Grundfos too. SMALL WORLD EH. Beer was drank and stories were exchanged. It's nice to meet some new people. Plus there was a lady who was rather infatuate with Andy. Bonus.
While stumbling home about 5am, I vaguely remember us shouting "Welcome to the jungle" (Pistols and Daffodils) and a "Saruman" from me. Maybe we should of done so in our Danish accents as not to make it obvious who it was. :(
I also put stones on Tobi's Maw's car roof. Not sure why, but it seemed funny at the time. Only when I woke to the sound of Tobi, his Mum and his sister leaving the house to get into the car did I remember, and realised I'm a dick. I appologised later though so it's ok.
The next weekend was Hallowe'en so the four of us dawned C'borg again. I was dressed as a "Grundfos employee who forgot his badge" and Andy was Sean Connery via his impressions. Which I think are rather good. We had a round of "Bloodsucker" cocktail things but they were a bit mank as the main ingredient was Pernod. Met some other people but didn't get so wasted so not as much fun. Yes, you have to be wasted to have a good time in C'borg. Then you don't realise the DJ playing the same song for the fourth time that night. Week after bloody week.
The next day we managed to go to the Viborg - OB football game in Viborg. They won 1 - nil and played quite well, but took the foot off the pedal a few times and had to defend well. The main attraction is the Viborg team mascot: Willie the Crocodile (and the cheerleaders). He is such a crazy croc! Imitating the cheer leaders and the players when they are warming up. At half time this game, the cheer leaders made a circle around the centre and did a wee cheer dance. However, there was a WTF moment between Andy and I when over the words "Yippe-ka-yah mother fuckers!" blasted over the speakers. These were the lyrics to the techno song the cheerleaders were cheering too. The phrase was repeated at least four times. This is very strange indeed considering there were lots of children present.
That reminds me of another story I was told about a wolf mascot of another team who is a bit crazy and decided to beat the crap out of Willie at an away game. Strangely Willie didn't respond and took several punches to the head. When Willie was lying on the ground he took off his croc head to reveal... a 12 year old boy! Go wolf man!! As compensation the team invited the boy and his family to a all expenses paid full-VIP treatment at the next game.
Anyway, I think that brings us to the weekend just there. To "have a good time" in C'borg we went to the super market (Super Best) and purchased 4 bottles of wine and some beer. Andy and I drank two bottles on Friday night while watching Star Wars, A New Hope on sexy digital remastered DVD. Sadly, I declined going as I could barely keep my eyes open.
The following day Tobi, Andy and I went to Århus again as Andy wanted to check the bus times to the Airport (he left last night for a long weekend) but was really an excuse to get out of Bjerringbro. Tobi was looking for a suit so we followed him about for a while before heading off to that Irish pub again.
In Denmark, there it is a yearly tradition of the breweries releasing Xmas beer (Jule øl) which are rather tasty. So far I have tasted Carlsburg Jule (3 stars), Tuborg Jule (4 stars), the white labeled Royal Xmas which is sweet (3 stars but I think only with food) and my favourite: the blue labeled Royal Xmas (5 stars).
Later on Andy and I had another two bottles of wine and some beer before heading to C'borg. When we arrived about half past midnight there was "approx." 5 people there. WHIT. There was a roughly equal bar staff-to-customer ratio. Weird. We left immediately to check out Next Door (a club) but it looked as equally empty. Back to C'borg then for some stor (large) glasses of jule øl. There may have been more "Welcome to the jungle" too :(
Well if you have managed to read this far: 1. you have too much time on your hands and 2. thank you!
As a treat you get the following:

Med venlig hilsen,
Hey lief!
I'm chatting with you as well, but hey. Thanks for the wee treat of a picture:). Didn't realise u were such a cake obsessive (or maybe I did actually...think we're both generally obsessed with food:)). Also starting to get jealous of the Danish ladies getting your attention;)! "Only" 5.5 weeks to go! Argh...
Mariken, at 3:15 pm
Weird. I have had that "Coatbridge? No a small village near inverness" conversation before aswell. Hmm so much cake and alcohol, might Mond be getting a bit of a stomach on him? :-O
joe, at 6:17 pm
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